Creative Nonfiction Posts
Mended Maps: Language, Identity, and Home-Making
A recommended reading list by author of the new book Fungal.
Form: A Vehicle for the Story
A recommended reading list by the author of the new book Cyclettes.
11 Essay Collections to Revisit Now
"The bestselling novel of a decade ago will sometimes seem stale or irrelevant today, but that’s rarely true of an essay. Like your smart friend, the …
9 books
CNF: Essays about Parents
2 books
2018 Edna Staebler Shortlist
11 Life Stories To Read This Spring
This assortment of memoir, biography, and autobiography brings real life to the page, and into the minds of readers.
Lesley Buxton: "Are You Still Married?"
An excerpt from a new book of essays, Love Me True, which delves deep into the mysteries of long-term bonds.
23 books
Edna Staebler Award for Creative Non-Fiction
The God Edit: Guest Post by Barbara Stewart
On the duality of public and private in creative nonfiction, and how much God is too much God?
Virtual Voyages: A Reading List by Charlotte Gill
"...all these stories took me on journeys. When I closed the covers I felt as if I’d been transported."